October 25. Live Surgery GreenLight: Anatomical Vaporization: A New Gold Standard?
Giovedì 25 ottobre eseguirò insieme al mio team un intervento di chirurgia in diretta che verrà trasmesso in tutto il mondo dal canale AIS (Advances In Surgery). Il paziente, che tratterò con la procedura della vaporizzazione anatomica, ha 62 anni e convive da tempo con problemi di ostruzione e irritazione derivanti da Ipertrofia Prostatica Benigna. Durante l’intervento, spiegherò step by step come eseguire tutti i passaggi un cui si articola la procedura di vaporizzazione anatomica. Qui sotto tutte le informazioni relative alla tecnologia GreenLight Laser, al paziente e al come partecipare all’evento. Vi aspetto numerosi!
October 25: Live Surgery: GreenLight: Anatomical Vaporization: A New Gold Standard?
Green laser is a new surgical technique used for BPH therapy and recognized in the European guidelines as a first choice in patients at high risk of bleeding. This technique is becoming commonplace with a 40% increase in patients treated worldwide last year.
The power of the Green laser is linked to its technical-physical characteristics: the laser works on a wavelength of 532nm and is therefore able to interact with hemoglobin, ensuring excellent hemostasis quality. The side-fire feature of the laser fiber also enables interaction with the prostate tissue with 90-degree inclination so as to achieve hemostasis quickly and under vision.
The excellent view also allows you to perform a targeted action with a decrease in the risk of incontinence and impotence. The green laser is very versatile and we currently know at least 4 techniques for its use.
The anatomical vaporization technique that you will see in this surgery is the evolution of simple vaporization and makes it possible to treat medium and large adenomas. This technique is now standardized and allows you to create a plane on the surface of the prostatic capsule, ensuring safe and complete removal of the adenoma with excellent long-term results.
Anatomic vaporization is the most widespread technique and is applicable for adenomas with volumes between 20 and 100 cc. It is gradually becoming the new gold standard for treatment, replacing the classic TURP. In order to be able to use the green laser with few side effects, the learning curve is 20 procedures. The trick to optimally use this technology is to understand the physical principles of the laser. It is especially important to be familiar with the simple concept of “surgical dose”, described by Dr. Gomez Sancha as the relationship between power, time and area of treated prostate tissue.
On October 25th 2018 at 2:00 pm (Italy time), AIS Channel will broadcast this procedure performed by Dr Giovanni Ferrari from Hesperia Hospital in Modena (Italy).
Clinical Case
We present the case of a 62-year-old patient with a long history of obstructive and irritative BPH related symptoms. Prior to surgery, the patient presented with an IPSS of 26, a total PSA of 5.3ng / ml and a Qmax of 6ml/sec. The prostate volume was 62cc with a 36cc adenoma. Therapy with warfarin is suspended before surgery while continuing therapy with Aspirin.
The goals of therapy are: to improve the patient’s subjective symptoms, to reduce the IPSS, and to increase the Qmax with low risk of bleeding and reduced hospitalization times.
We will also show patient placement and how to handle the tool to use the green laser at its full potential.
Dr. Giovanni Ferrari and his team will show all the steps and tricks!
Join us and participate in this amazing live event which will be followed all over the world!
Don’t miss it at AIS Channel!!